Here you will find some of my larger ticket stuff, Equipment and Replacement parts for business. I service lots of vintage equipment and usually end up with spare parts. If you find something here you need be sure to come back to my site and make me an offer, I can give you a good discount if you buy it direct.
Jmayes Deals (Store)
This is the place where you can find my surplus electronic goody’s and project materials. Unlike my eBay Store there is little cost overhead and their for I can offer you at least 20% discount or more. See an item you like, Make me an offer!
Sports Bar TV Systems provides the lowest cost turnkey solution for Venus with 1-100+ TV Displays, with our easy to use Touch Screen Interface and tablet control you can easily give your patrons the programs they are asking for. Great for Sports Bars, Restaurants, Golf Clubs, Fitness Centers & Event Centers.